1 Eagles spotted on pond ice and in trees near Spy Pond Park this winter early in the year were reportedly nesting in the area.
2 Rachel Mello's Felicia Fox and her offspring were poised for action on the fence near Linwood Circle, helping children participate in a contest that was part of a Fox Library celebration.
3 Playful Art in Spy Pond Park near Linwood Circle on May 21 included the option of stretching the imagination creating disc sculptures.
4 A variety of shapes were on display.
5 Participants stood with life-sized chess figures made of recycled ductwork designed by Somerville artist, John Tagguiri, learning the moves of the game from a different perspective.
6 The Arlington/Belmont Crew Team avoided one of the usually submerged islands in Spy Pond during this year's extended drought.
7 People took advantage of the newly exposed island in Spy Pond during the drought to play a game of horseshoes.
8 This fish skeleton was one remnant of the spring's big fish die-off.
9 An eagle chowed down on carp.
10 Yellow irises flourisedh in the sunshine as phragmites stumps brought to mind the former prolific occupants in this area, both invasive plants in Spy Pond.
11 Betty Athanasoulas (r), FSPP Beautification Committee member, and a her hearty crew of BU alumni (l-r): Benjamin Mattox, Kristen Lake, Eduardo Guttierez, and Kenneth Drucker spent 3 hours clearing Linwood Beach natural debris at the water's edge.
12 BU alumni cleaned up natural debris at the water's edge of Spy Pond at Linwood Circle.
13 High water boots were definitely the first order of the day for BU alumni, Kristen Lake and Benjamin Mattox.
14 Eduardo Guttierez, BU alum, paused for a quick break on BU's Global Day of Service in Spy Pond Park.
15 This was a group effort cleaning up the water's edge.
16 Students pulled the cart to Linwood Circle to collect more bags of debris.
17 Saint Athanasoious Church's GOYA Group collected natural debris at the Linwood Beach shoreline that remained after the FSPP April Work Day. With Betty Athanasoulas' guidance, the water's edge was clean and more inviting.
18 Betty Athanasoulas and the GOYA group from St. Athanasious Church posed for a quick photo after they volunteered for community service hours on a FSPP Work Day.
19 Betsy Leondar-Wright, FSPP Activities Chair and September's Fun Day organizer, explained how to take part in the scavenger hunt.
20 Lally Stowell helped the Fun Day participants create their works of art.
21 A Mass Audubon Habitat of Belmont volunteer brought nets for participants to use to catch insects.
22 Music by the Harmonators delighted the crowd on Fun Day in September, 2016.
23 Many happy children enjoyed having their faces painted!
24 Liz Buchanan and Gordon MacFarland reflected the festive atmosphere on Fun Day, entertaining all during the afternoon's festivities.
25 She was pleased with the mosaic animal she created using materials donated by ArtBeat.
26 Look what they made!
27 These girls were all done with their heart and butterfly mosaics.
28 Abstract designs were fun to make, too.
29 His fish appeared to be swimming in Spy Pond.
30 It was fun to be creative!
31 Liz Buchanan, musician, and Lauren from Tinkergarten lead a parade of nature-crowned children and adults through the park to the dedication of "Penny" the swan sculpture by Kevin Duffy at Linwood Circle.
32 Don Vitters, Park Commissioner, remarked on the history of Spy Pond Park and congratulated all who enabled "Penny" to find a permanent home in our park.
33 Adria Arch, Arlington Public Art, adressed those who gathered for the swan dedication.
34 Arlington Land Trust members manipulated the Arlington/Belmont Crew Team boats full of Elizabeth Island visitors.
35 Welcome to Elizabeth Island!
36 Simultaneous to Fun Day, Arlington Land Trust volunteers told visitors about the history of Elizabeth Island and pointed out natural landmarks.
37 A new path leads visitors across Elizabeth Island.
38 Relaxing on a park bench in Spy Pond Park
39 Enjoying the fine grass in Spy Pond Park
40 A Common Grackle at Spy Pond
41 Canadian parade at Spy Pond after a scorching day
42 Fishing at dusk with summer sunset at Spy Pond Park
43 There were many bushes blocking the view at the start of the fall Work Day.
44 The view of Spy Pond at Linwood Circle was definitely clearer after People Making a Difference® has completed its work.
45 Volunteers collected street leaves to prevent catch basin clogs and storm water floods.
46 Lally Stowell helped a volunteer load a bag with natural debris.
47 This job required teamwork!
48 What a great job People Making a Difference® did!
49 People Making a Difference® volunteers rested after collecting many bags full of autumn leaves and natural debris in brown paper bags and invasive plants in black plastic bags.
50 An artist selected by a juried panel will paint this recently repaired wooden bench in the fenced Spy Pond Park play area in the spring/summer of 2017.